Lisa A. McDonald

Lisa A. McDonald is a person of faith, hope, and strength. She is a motivational writer and speaker whose courageous true story of survival resonates with people who have been in challenging situations and need guidance to begin their process of healing. The compelling way that she engages the reader is second to none. She shares her story of survival with boldness and truth. 

Lisa is a 17-year breast cancer survivor who is a strong advocate for early detection and mammograms for all women but with an emphasis on younger women under age 40. She empowers women to be vocal about their health and their wealth, helping them to realize that what they have to offer is valuable, and they matter.

About the Book

Life daily brings an assortment of challenges. Some are fun and exciting; others, not so much. Only you can decide how you’ll handle each event. When life turns dramatic, what will you do? Run and hide? Bury your head in the sand and pretend everything is okay? Or, will you do like Lisa and tap into strength you weren’t aware of to survive? Find encouragement in this inspiring true story of a 17-year breast cancer survivor so that you too can discover the survivor inside.

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